4 Elements Your New Website Design Should Include

Are you getting ready to design a new website for your business? Here are a few design elements that should be included:

Lots of Content

Even if you're offering just one product or service, your website needs to be full of content for visitors to engage with. Not only should you be promoting your products and services, but you should be educating and entertaining visitors when they show up to check your website out. Produce articles and blog posts that explain how your products and services work.

Give potential customers and clients ideas of how they can best put your offerings to work for them. Share statistics, graphics, photos, and even customer experiences on your website. The content will help your visitors get to know what you're all about and provide them with information that they can use to improve their own lives at home or in the workplace. Next time they need products or services like yours, you will likely be the first company they think of.

Visual Organization

People won't stick around long to see what your website is all about if it looks disorganized or seems confusing to navigate through, so visual organization is essential. Everything should be broken up into sections based on the information that is being offered. Your front page should be catchy and engaging, yet simple in design.

Consider featuring a welcome section front and center, and easy-to-read navigational links to the left or right of the page. Include a menu at the top of the page, and use graphics to separate your sections. Think about what you'd like to visually see on each page of your website when designing it, and don't be afraid to ask employees and current customers for their opinions.

Interactive Features

You can impress your website visitors and entice them to learn more about your products or services by including some interactive features in your website design. Polls for customers to participate in, statistical graphs that compare your products to competitors, and calculators that will help people figure out how much they can save by choosing your products and services are all fun ways to engage with your website visitors and that will encourage people to give doing business with you a try.


Every page on your website should include a call-to-action that reminds your visitors to take a certain action before leaving your site. If you are promoting a free eBook, remind visitors to sign up for the book at the bottom of your most prominent pages. Ask readers to reach out for consultation appointments or product samples at the end of all your blog posts. Remind people to sign up for your newsletter at the top of every page they visit. There are many opportunities to include calls-to-action throughout your website content. 

Learn more about online marketing and web design today. 
