Three Mistakes To Avoid When Funneling Customers Through Digital Content

Consumers are spending more time online than ever before searching for deals and shopping. However, this also means that there is fiercer competition for the attention of customers ready to make a purchase. If you will be spending more money on digital marketing, there are several mistakes you'll want to avoid so you can stand out among the competition. 

Mistake 1: Not Having an End Goal

The biggest mistake made by a digital marketer is to not have an end goal when creating a post. You may believe that simply blogging will be enough to draw attention to your business. While this might draw attention initially, you won't be able to capitalize on it if you are not creating posts that are moving your marketing efforts toward an end goal. 

For instance, you may be selling a service, and the posts you create are meant to help you establish yourself as an expert in your industry. By reading your posts, your audience will eventually find a problem that they can't solve without your direct guidance.

Mistake 2: Not Focusing On a Select Number of Platforms

You may believe that using several social media platforms will extend your reach. However, if you are forced to spread your time and energy across multiple platforms, you'll be less likely to be effective on any of them. It's better to build a presence on one platform before spreading to others.

Mistake 3: Not Having a Consumer-Centered Mindset

Regardless of the content you produce, you'll need to have a consumer-centered mindset. You'll need to think about how you can entice and convert your customers. This may require data analysis to find out what works. You'll also need to use your posts to reinforce your brand message.

If you do not have a customer-centric approach, you may find yourself devoting a lot of time to digital marketing only to discover that you are not experiencing any tangible gains. This may lead to you becoming demoralized. The problem is most often the result of a passive marketing strategy. 

You may produce great digital content that draws users to your website, but they will simply consume content and navigate to a different website afterward. Instead, you will need a clear call to action that is meant to motivate customers to take a specific action. This could involve purchasing a product, but it could also be as simple as providing an email address. As long as you are moving them toward a specific goal, your digital marketing efforts will be more fruitful.

Talk to a digital marketing agency to learn more.
